In November of 2014 City View Church was launched out of a desire to reach and serve those on the west side of Indianapolis and Hendricks County. Unlike many church plants City View had the blessing of starting with a large core group made up largely from members of The Church at Avon.
In the New Testament the author of Hebrews writes, “For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (HEBREWS 13:14-16).
The name, “City View” reflects our desire to keep in mind three important ideas.
We desire the city referenced in Hebrews to be as full as possible. To that end we desire to operate with that future city in mind. As of 2012 the population of Hendricks County is 150,434 people. If statistics hold true, as many as 105,304 people in our community are without a saving relationship with Christ. As of 2013 the Indianapolis Metro has a population of 1.76 million. If those same statistics hold true, there are 1,232,000 people in this community who do not know Christ.
Our desire is to be a people who care for the city in which we are planted. This serves as a reminder to keep the needs of our city in view as we seek to serve it and those who make it home.
Finally, the city of Avon, as well as Hendricks County and the city of Indianapolis, are rapidly growing communities. We are blessed to live with a unique view of the growth of these communities, and desire to grow alongside our city.
A Southern Baptist church since its founding, City View Church works in cooperation with and contributing toward the causes of the Southern Baptist Convention. As with all SBC churches, CVC understands that its association with the SBC is entirely voluntary. We are thankful for the resurgence of biblical values in the SBC in the 1980s and are pleased to contribute to its causes, including the efforts of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) to plant churches and the International Missions Board (IMB) to take the gospel to all corners of the earth.
The contributions of CVC and other churches ultimately pool in the SBC’s “Cooperative Program.” Churches both numerically small and great may involve themselves closely in gospel work by helping to fund seminaries, support missionaries, and publish teaching material. In this way we are able to support missionaries, educate future pastors, missionaries, and teachers, as well as plant new churches across the globe.