In short, we love having families at our church. Parenting can be overwhelming;
the idea of bringing kids to church can raise cold sweat on a parent’s brow.
This page is to reassure you that we want you and your kids here at City View.
CITY KIDS provides opportunities for children from birth through 6th grade during the morning services. You’re welcome to use those services if you like; or if you prefer to have your kids in worship with you, plenty of our families do that too! Our goal is to provide worship services that are family oriented, welcoming all ages to worship together.
AN OUTSTANDING TEAM of background-checked adult leaders will be ready to greet you and guide you to where your child's class meets. Every volunteer is trained to teach and encourage children in understanding the basic truths about God. We want the children at City View to grow up with an understanding of what the Bible says and how it applies to their lives.
CHECK IN at the City Kids Welcome Desk on the left side of the building as you come in before service begins. One of our Greeters can help guide you there. At the check-in station, your children will receive name tags with a special identification code on it. Parents will receive a tag as well with the matching code, which will be used when you come to pick up your child after service.
INFANTS AND BABIES can be dropped off in the nursery upon your arrival. We encourage children two years of age and older to join their parents for the singing and prayer time at the beginning of the service. Then right before the sermon begins, kids in 6th grade or younger will be dismissed by the preacher to go to their classrooms. Their will be volunteers in the aisles to help guide the children back to their respective classrooms.
Our children are a most precious gift from the Lord. Just as Jesus called for and welcomed little children to himself, we too want to call and point our children to the arms of the Savior! But we also take very seriously the safety of our children and the the confidence of the parents who choose to entrust their children to us on Sunday mornings. For questions or for more information about City Kids please contact Amy Kaye at amy@cityview.org.